Bread is an easy topic for me to talk about. Most people know for instance that I am a "card-carrying gold-level 4-star" super fan of Great Harvest Bread Co. (now conveniently located in Wenatchee!). If you haven't been there...please go and check them out. I want them to thrive in Wenatchee so they will be here for generations. (ok, so maybe that's a little dramatic...)If I could go there every week, I would. I enjoy the aroma of the bakery and the selection to be made when I walk in the door. I usually do not make it home with an intact loaf of bread.
I eat it almost every day.
And it is so filling, hearty, delicious...
And as of late, my trips to the bakery have been reminding me of my time in God's word...the "food" that should fill my soul. It may sound funny, but let me share with you my thoughts...
Our church started a "read through the Bible in a year" challenge this year. I am remiss to say that in my many years of knowing Christ as Savior, I have failed to ever read His Word all the way through.
This is more than embarrassing. So this is the year to correct that wrong. And I am loving it.
As I started the journey, I received some good advice from a close mentor..."Do not be discouraged if you get behind a couple of days. Don't look at the date...just keep reading".
And of course, between my traveling husband, 2 small children and the pace of life (lame excuses)...I am a little behind. But not discouraged. In fact I couldn't be more encouraged.
Life these past couple weeks has proved to be quite challenging to my Bible reading. I ended up going for a number of days where I didn't get to read the Word.
I could not believe the impact it had on me. It had become such a welcome time of my day...a time to soak up some of the Word, to see the story of Christ weaved into the Old Testament, to read familiar passages again. My whole schedule and pace was "off" when I didn't make God's Word a priority.
In fact, it made me feel like I was "wasting away" so to speak, when I was without the sustenance of the Word every day. I thought of the simple need for bread, to fill us, nourish us and energize us. And I was overjoyed to find that the Word had become so important to me that I needed it to feel full, complete, and nourished.
This is a joyous gift from the Holy Spirit as I have asked Him to make the Word come alive in my reading times...that it would become so precious to me, that I would not want to go a day without it.
And so it is.
The scriptures are a shelter & anchor in the midst of suffering...
they are a guide & resource for parenting...
they are a comfort & help in discouragement...
and they are a sword & spear to combat the enemy and sin.
I should not go a day without them. I should commit as much as possible to memory. And I must pass on a passion for them to my children.
For it is life-giving, sustaining and nourishing for their souls. And mine.