Friday, April 29, 2011


Today my darling turns 32.
Last year I wrote this lovely little tribute to him.
And it's all still true...but even more so as I've grown more in love with him this past year.

This morning, the kids "surprised" him with breakfast & presents to start his day right!
I took them shopping at the dollar store on Tuesday, then they wrapped their own presents & made the plan for his birthday breakfast. They were soooo excited!
Everything's ready...

The presents...

The birthday hat (they picked it out too)...


Cards to open first...

Ella's sign so he'd know what to do. :o)


Levi's present to dad...

Real bases for their baseball games together!

Ella's present...

Pictures she framed for his office!

Happily munching on breakfast...

The early morning birthday surprise...a complete success!
Happy birthday Joshua, my love.
Words on this page could never come close to showing how much...
I love you.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Ahhh, Sharon. THANKS for posting! Whatta sweet family! The love in your home beams BRIGHTLY. Happy Birthday, Josh!!!