Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen!

He is risen indeed!

What a great weekend it has been celebrating the resurrection of our Lord & Savior.  We enjoyed a glorious morning of worship with our church family (even though my two oldest had sniffles...bummer. And yes mom, I wore my hat!) followed by a late afternoon celebration at Josh's parents home.  We had snow the day before and now the day after, so needless to say, we celebrated indoors! :o) 

This year our two oldest were quite interested in the story of the crucifixion and resurrection.  We must have read "The day Jesus died" at least 20 times this week.  And each time, they sat with eyes wide open, ears fixed...absorbing every detail of the story.  Their little minds were churning and working to grasp the concepts...sin, death, consequences, forgiveness, false accusations, sacrifice, Jesus on the cross...for my sins...even the ones I haven't committed yet.  Josh & I so enjoyed sitting with our children this week at bedtime, recounting the story of the cross and the joy of redemption.  They asked so many good only a 3 and 4 year old can do.

Levi, after getting in trouble says, "Is Jesus back on the cross now?" Or Ella as she listens to the story, "Why did He have to die Mom?"...and their questions went on and on.  As we answered their questions, we were met by solemn and thoughtful faces.  Faces that were starting to "get it", as only their young minds can.  It was exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.  And my heart prayed all the more...for wisdom, for salvation, for the rescuing of their little lives from the bondage of sin. 

And on Easter morning, as I walked into their bedroom, I was greeted by two sweet, sleepy, groggy, sniffle-hindered voices saying "Happy Easter Mommy.  Jesus is risen!" 
Yes, He is. And isn't that wonderful news?!? 
Indeed it is.

1 comment:

Joce said...

Easter is one of my favorite holidays!!!! What smart kiddo's you have, such a true testimony to their wonderful parents who teach them about our savior! Bless you 5!