Monday, January 18, 2010

Things that bring joy...

Today I have been blessed with joy.  
After a difficult weekend, today was full of little things that made me smile.  They may be little things...but they all added up to bring a smile to my face and joy to my hospital room.  

So here's my little list...maybe you'll smile too:

-a beautiful bouquet of spring flowers from my mom & dad...

-reading "The Roots of Endurance" and feeling my faith increase by every page...thank you Holy Spirit for teaching my heart. 

-the berry-cream cheese scone from Great Harvest that I ate for breakfast this morning. Thank you Grandma! 

-letters in the mail that have answered prayers and lifted burdens...

-Crayola markers...yes, I really like markers. 
Actually, these were a gift for my children...ummm, but mommy is borrowing them for now. 

 -the cute new slippers from my friend Erin...thanks, I love 'em

-my little red Bible...small, stylish, and full of promise after promise, applicable to every circumstance, and a lifeline to my Heavenly Father.  

-pictures of my children here on my computer...they make me excited to be back with them and bring good memories of the little blessings that they are.  

Smiling yet? I am. 

with a thankful heart,


Sarah said...

Made me smile!!! Glad you had a good day! Miss you, Sharon!

Knapp said...

Smiling big!!! Bless you Sharon.

aejames said...

Sharon, keep up the good work...

You're rocking the blog.


Eric said...

Great Post Sharon! Thanks.

Proud Parents said...

Sharon, Enjoying your blog...I'd send a card. :) Can you send me your hospital address - Thanks.

L., Mrs. Arthur (sounds so formal, but maybe that way you'd know who this was from)

Tarah McPherson said...

Smiling here! :) Love ya

Joce said...

Big smiles!!!! And I LOVE the slippers. =)