Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mornings, mornings...

During this time of bedrest, some positives do exist.
Being a mother of two, 32 weeks pregnant, and usually a go-getter kind of gal...I am forced to be in bed, all day.
That means I have time for reading my Bible...uninterrupted, praying, journaling, blogging, emailing, reading great books that require quiet and contemplative reflection to comprehend,  taking the occasional nap, not being responsible for any meals, showering without little voices in the background, taking phone calls without halting the conversation 4 times to correct one or both of my children, and having a morning routine, etc, etc, etc... This is not normal reality.
For many of you (especially my fellow young mothers), this sounds like a dream vacation. I don't blame you.  It would be fine for a day or two.

But I must tell you truthfully...I would trade all of this in a heartbeat to be back at my mommy-post right this second.  Diapers, schedules, dinner, all sounds heavenly right now.  And soon I will be back at it! And I cannot wait...

I am sure some of you are saying, "Well, of course she has time to read these great resources and talk about these wonderful things...but I just don't.  I have 4 kids, I homeschool them all, I make every meal, I have a part-time job, I clean the house and help at our local church. I make it out of my PJ's by noon...sometimes. Get real Sharon." 

And to that I say..."believe me...I understand".  But as I have been on this "forced leave" from my mother, wife, homemaker and work related roles, I have been looking for resources and setting resolves for when I get to return to these joyous callings.  Especially in regard to the way I start my day...glorious mornings.
One such that I have found was on the cute blog by a friend of my sister-in-law.  She is a busy mom-of-two, married and running her own blog/store.  She provides many resources on healthy living, managing your home and God-centered reading.
In this recent entry, she notes a resource she has used called Maximize your mornings.
It is also written by a young mom.  She offers this free online e-book, complete with workbook & templates, to help other women like herself develop a plan for starting their day productively.

This may not be a problem for you.  But for many young mothers, including myself, the desire to rise before my children, be in the Word, exercise my body and be ready for the day (schedule set, goals in my mind, etc...), are only that--a desire.  They are rarely a reality.

Her e-book provides some simple helpful tips, motivation and tangible ideas to get one out of bed and get moving! I plan to use some of these ideas myself after I return home (and after I recoup from surgery!). And maybe they can be helpful for you...

Know that I am praying for you my friends, as you continue the daily ins & outs of mothering little lives.  It is indeed a challenging & high calling that is non-stop, often thankless, but full of lifelong rewards. I will be joining the ranks again soon, and I pray that I will not forget the things I've learned or the void I've felt without the responsibilities of children, husband & home. 

Be encouraged today dear mothers!
You are shaping little lives for God's kingdom.
Keep up the good work.
And may you have many productive mornings...


Tarah McPherson said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I have been "rising earlier" than my lil' one these past couple weeks and have been really blessed. I look forward to having you here to rise early with me!

aejames said...

So good...thanks for sharing the link to that blogpost. This has been something Adam and I both want/need to work on. I'll have to read the e-book when the kids go to bed! :o) Hope you're doing well today!


Knapp said...

Ohh Sharon.......How I am so thankful for your obedience to the Holy Spirit he knows just what we need just when we need it... Today was one of those mornings that lasted all morning haha God Bless you my friend and I am encouraged thank you. Your friend T

Jessica Smoke said...

Sharon, I have been reading and enjoying your blog for awhile now but never commented. I wanted you to know that I am praying for you. I can't imagine how difficult this must be, but it seems that you are making the best of your time and in no time you'll be back in the craziness, lol! :-) This week I have been starting my mornings with prayer and the Word right away and what a difference it has made. Thank you for the links. I am excited to read them! :-)
~Jessica Smoke~